(920) 210-5278

Eugene Waldschmidt Estate

Date & Time

Saturday, Oct. 14th @ 10:00 am


N3091 CTH W
Campbellsport, Wisconsin

Auction Type

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SATURDAY OCTOBER 14th 2017       10:00 A.M




LOCATION: N3091 Hwy W Campbellsport, WI 53010. 4 miles north of Campbellsport on Hwy W, or 4 miles east of Eden on US Hwy 45, to Hwy W, then south 2 miles to farm.     Lunch: R&W Lunch


INSPECTION: Thursday & Friday, October 12 & 13, from 10AM to 4PM

SALE ORDER: 10:00AM Wagons w/Small Items, about 11:30 Machinery.

Owners: Eugene Waldschmidt Estate                                                Administer: Paul Waldschmidt

TERMS:  Cash or Good Check – Be Prepared To Show Positive ID. Large Purchases Will Require a Credit Reference. All Items to Be Settled For On Auction Day. Number System will be Used.

CASHED AND CLERKED BY:  O’Brien Bros. Auctioneers  Eden, WI

AUCTIONEERS:  Pat O’Brien   RWA #287 920-477-2073 or 920-960-7583

Bob Wedel   RWA #608 920-210-5278

Nate Pollnow  RWA #2058  920-210-5120


Click for Auction Items


JD 4450-D-SN-RW-4450-P-2005-480 FWA, hours 3246, 18.4x38R with bolt on duals and 14.9 x 26-Rubber 50-65%, 15 speed power shift, 3 point, front fenders, deluxe cab, sharp; JD 4440-D SN 4440 P-00 80 45R, hours 3907 – Power shift, 3 sets hyd blocks, 2 wheel drive, 20.8 x 38 with bolt on duals, 6 front weights, 3 point, deluxe cab, very good; JD 4020 SN T213R 20615R. 18.4 x 34, Rubber 80-90%, 3 point, 2 hyd blocks, syncro shift; JD 4020 SN T-213 P 114533R, 9320 hours, 18.4 x 34 (needs rubber), 3 point, Hiniker cab, 1 hyd block; JD 5020 SN T-313-016819-R (1042 hours-New Tac) syncro shift, 2 hyd blocks, 3 point, 18.4 x 38 new rubber, new paint, no cab – Nice; JD Model 720 G, NF, 3 point, Roll-A-Matic, no fenders, 15.5 x 38, 50-60%; Super Dexta 2000, utility, live power, 3 point, needs rubber, 3205 hours; Ford 4500 Loader and backhoe, SN  C7NN 601 5 M, 4880 hours, very good unit; IHC-T9-G-PTO, 20” tracks; skid loader attachments, Material buckets, stone, manure, spc. built fork bucket- pallet forks.


JD 9450 combine- Engine hours 1846, Separator hours 1153, tires 24.5 x 32 and 14.9 x 24 (60-70%), #606C corn hd, # 216 grain hd, Sharp; JD #6600 D (side hill spc.) Rear assist, Engine hours, Separator hours 699; NI Uni – 800-SN-91329 with sheller unit; NI Uni- 802 SN 92342-hyd Rear assist, with 858 sheller unit, 4203 hours; NI Uni 709 with 818 combine unit; NI Uni 2-6506 corn att, 6’ hay att, 2-844 corn att, 1- 2 row corn att, Plus Uni-system parts; Deutz-Allis RC-70, RT9’ diskbine; Case- IH 8460 Round Baler; H&S BW-1000 Bale Wrapper, SN 601640, with remote controls- like new; 2-3pt hyd bale grabbers; NH #56 Rake; JD #336 baler with thrower; 3 point bale mover; Gehl #800 chopper with hay and corn att; JD #16-A green chopper; Kewanee #660 40’ elevator; Gehl #400 chopper with hay head; Gehl #1312 slinger manure spreader; 2- 225 bu gravity box and wagons; 2- Gehl #810 forage boxes with tandem wagons; 2-Horlumas bale racks with 10-T wagons; 2- 18’ flat racks with 10-T wagons; 1 16’ flat rack with 10-T wagon; 4- running gears.


JD 8’ dd grain drill with grass; 3 pt Kongskilde 14’ digger; Ford 14’-3 pt chisel plow; 3 pt S-tooth digger; Roskamp roller mill with auger; Fiberglass round bale feeder; Mirro- heated waterer; 3 pt post hole digger; Walsh 500 gallon sprayer with 40’ boom; Cement mixer with gas engine; 3 pt Rear blade; Skid loader trailer; Pair of cast iron rims- axle mnt; 2 sets of 18.4 x 38 duals; Sprayer frame with water tank; Cattle oiler; Assorted farm gates – some new; 2’ & 3’ metal culverts.


Hyd press, drill press, band saw, power greaser.


1974 Ford 900 cab over grain truck with 16’ body and hoist; 1993 Ford F-250 4×4 pick up;


Ford F-1000 fire truck- SN 20181-67, 13,515 miles, good rubber – ladder truck, formerly Campbellsport fire department; Ford F-900- SN C90L DP 39671, miles 19,888, pumper with hose- good rubber; IHC #190 truck with dump body and snow plow; Crank type corn sheller; Very old gas pump.


Gehl BU960 Forage Box w/Cory 12-T Tandem Wagon, Bean Auger for Gravity Box w/Wire Brush.


More small items will be added as we clean out the sheds, about 2 wagon loads of small items.

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