(920) 210-5278

Arthur ‘Art’ Derge Estate

Date & Time

Saturday, Jun. 27th @ 9:30 am


2032 Gill Rd
Mayville, WI

Auction Details

Directions: From Mayville, take CTH Y east about ½ to Gill Rd, then 1 mile to farm. From Theresa, take Hwy. 28 west to CTH AY, then north 1 ½ miles or Hwy.  33 east of Hwy. 67 to CTH AY, then north 3 miles.

Note: Tractors mostly running. Many pieces of older equipment have not been used for some time-will be for parts/scrap.

Cash or good check. No buyer’s fee.  No warrantees or guarantees are given or implied on items sold.

Bob Wedel RWA 608 Phone: 920-210-5278
Nate Pollnow RWA 2058 Phone: 920-210-5120
Aaron Atkinson RWA 341

Auction Items

Tractors & Crawlers
IH 1566 red cab
IH 806 G w/2250 loader
IH 806 D fasthitch
IH 756 G
MF 1085
JD 70
IH 560 fasthitch
IH 450 fasthitch
IH 1020 on steel
Drott skid shovel TD-9 4 in 1 bucket
Cat 977 crawler-loader
Oliver 550 w/Parsons loader-backhoe
Fox self-propelled chopper

Equipment Some for parts/salvage
Landoll 2327 weatherproofer
Brillion 9 shank soil saver
Case IH 4900 field cultivator 32’
IH 315 cultimulcher 16’
Gehl 72 green chopper
Gehl 206 6-wheel rake
Log loader on tandem gear
4 section hyd. Drag
Case IH 720 5-bottom plow
Fasthitch 3btm plow
Loftness 8-row stalk chopper
Krause 20’ disc
Farm King 8’ snowblower
78” rock grapple
Eppim 3 pt. flail mower
Taul Danish tine cultivator
IH 12’ wheel disc
IH 990 haybine
Miller Pro 3100 chopper box- bad gear box
Parts choppers
10+ tandem axel wagons & gears
3 section land-roller
40’ elevator
20’ spring tooth
IH 6 row cultivator
IH corn binder
Steel wheel wagon
1-tooth subsoiler
King Kutter brush 6’ mower
Stack mover
IH 56 planter
IH parts

Vehicles, Trailers & Boats
2005 Chevy 2500 ext cab 4×4
1979 IH Transtar semi-tractor
Fruehauf aluminum dump trailer
1989 East 28’ dump trailer
Trailman 21’ GN Livestock trailer
32’ GN trailer w/beaver tail
GN skid loader trailer for parts
1989 GMC 2500 plow truck 4×4
1972 Chev Impala convertible
’98 Cadillac STS
Tandem axel tilt bed trailer
3 & 4 place snowmobile trailers
18’ enclosed trailer
1993 Dutchman 260 camper, as is
Fiberglass boat & trailer
Aluminum pontoon paddle boat

2 Super hut
Simplicity 20 GTH w/deck & snow blower
Milk cans
Air compressor
Cement mixer
Misc. shop tools
Potato hiller
Generac GP3250 generator
Husqvarna 240 chain saw
2 Poulan Pro 42 chainsaws
Pallet jack
Concrete lawn ornaments
New Frigidaire stove
Pots, pans & misc.
Lots of misc. Impossible to list all

Consigned by neighbor
NH 892 chopper w/hay head
H&S 7+4 chopper box w/tandem gear
IH 340 fasthitch w/ blade
Home-made ‘Buick’ car/truck
JD 318 w/ blower
Ford 9N
Dearborn saw
McCormick silo filler & horse mower
Case corn binder
VB wooden wheel grain drill
Oliver Red River threshing machine
3 bobsleds
Horse feeder
7 calf blankets
Craftsman table and radial arm saws

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