(920) 210-5278

HorseShoe Springs Ranch & Tack Shop Dispersal

Date & Time

Saturday, Oct. 26th @ 10:00 am


N8054 US Hwy 151
Fond du Lac, WI

Auction Details

HorseShoe Springs Ranch & Tack Shop Complete Dispersal

N8054 US Hwy 151          Fond du Lac, WI  54937

Sat., October 26, 2019     Time: 10:00

Note:  Owner is retiring.

Tack Shop inventory, farm equipment & tools, and household collectibles. 

Cash or good check.
Items settled for day of sale.
No buyers fee.
Sales Tax applies.
No warrantees or guarantees are given or implied on items sold

Bob Wedel RWA 608 Phone: 920-210-5278
Nate Pollnow RWA 2058 Phone: 920-210-5120

Auction Items

Tractors & Equip:
David Brown 995 D
Case IH 385
Ford 461
H&S 125 manure spreader
3 pt. post hole digger
3 pt. landscape blade
Gehl Hydracat skid loader
Bale elevator
Viking elevator
Flat rack
Fanning mill

Horse Tack:
Pony Ring
English saddles
English Strap Leather
Western Saddles
Bareback pads
Strap Leather
Training equipment
Misc. horse accessories
Triple saddle racks
Jerald Show Cart
Houghton Show Buggy
Saddle pad display unit -wheel mounted
Jewelry display case
Poles and fills for a team
Work Carts
Congress Buggy

Trucks & Trailers:
96 Ford F350
4 horse trailer
95 Chevrolet Silverado
Hyd. dump trailer

Tools, Household & Misc.
Air compressor
Simplicity lawn mower
File cabinets
Sound equip.
Dining room table
Kitchen & glassware
Canning jars
Wash stand
Wood trunks
Baseboard heater
Air conditioner
Household collectibles too numerous to mention

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