(920) 210-5278

William (Bill) Zimmel

Date & Time

Saturday, Jan. 12th @ 10:00 am


W10635 CTH D
Beaver Dam, WI

Auction Details

William (Bill) Zimmel
W10635 CTH D Beaver Dam, WI
January 12, 2019 Time: 10:00

Directions: Take D South of Beaver Dam or North of Hwy. 73 to sale.

Preview/Viewing: Friday, January 11, 2019    1:00pm-4:00pm

TERMS:  NO Buyer’s Fee! All items must be settled for day of sale.  Cash or good check

Reg. Wis. Auctioneers: Col Bob Wedel #608;Nate Pollnow #2058.

Auction Items

Lawn & Garden
JD X520 w’54” deck
46” blade
Lawn trailer, roller, sweeper & aerator
Chain saws
Mini rototiller
Weed eater
Pressure washer
Wheel barrow

Outdoor Storage
20’ shipping container
28x12x10 hoop bldg..
3 canvas car ports

Truck, Trailer & Boats
1990 Ford F150 (*sales tax applies)
7×12 6×14 utility trailer-NICE
John boat
Row boat on trailer
Trolling motor, fishing & boating equip

Tools & Misc.
Power, air & hand tools
Kerosene space heater
Air conditioner
Dog kennel
Air compressor & more

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